What is Urban Hiking?

What is Urban Hiking? Here we explore and compare different Hikes, especially Urban Hikes, Pros and Cons and Alternatives. Very Interesting! From my perspective, Urban Hiking is walking around the city, or a neighborhood, alone or with company. And, it includes a sense of exploration and adventure. Urban Hiking includes walks in parks, up and down stairs, venturing into neighborhoods, including downtown, major streets and quieter ones, and so much more around the City or Town. Also, Urban Hiking is a way of embracing my city, or any other city, or town I may be visiting. Additionally, I see Urban Hiking as a Sport, a way to support the Restoration and/or Maintenance Health. Finally, do not forget to restore and maintain good health requires that you look after yourself from different angles, including proper nutrition, adequate sleep, enough movement, drinking living water and the use of supplements if needed.

What is Urban Hiking?

Before Now, I asked: Is Urban Hiking a Thing?

Hiking has gained popularity across the world. Perhaps because it is done in nature. You know one of the surest ways to replenish our life force and vitality is to dance with Nature. Our excessively busy lifestyles also known as Civilization, especially with the ever evolving AI and technological revolutions, our Vitality (i.e., Vital and Life Force) is constantly in a state of depletion.

Most people have no idea that a depletion in one’s life Force and Vitality is a crucial foundation for Mental and Physical Illnesses.  When we feel unwell, heavy, sluggish, and unmotivated, it may be because we have ceased to dance with nature. Then, the question is, how do we dance with nature to be protected and stay healthy despite the Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF) we are constantly exposed to? For sure, one way to protect ourselves from the consequences of our technological and digital advancements is to use EMF protection. The other way is enough exposure to Nature,

How To and Why Dance With Nature?

What is Urban Hiking?

One of the best ways to dance with nature is to go on hikes.  There are different types of hikes. Some examples are Mountain Hiking, Nature Hiking, Day Hiking, Long Distance Hiking and so forth.  Mindful Travel Experiences has a list of the 10 Best Types of Hikes and you can see the list here. This list will give you some ideas of the type of hike you will like to go on. It gave me Ideas, for sure!

I have always loved the idea of hiking in nature. But, I am too fearful of the snakes, poisonous spiders, scorpions, mountain lions and so forth to venture into the wilderness for a hike. Don’t get me wrong, I do admire people who go fearlessly into the wilderness to replenish their Life Force.  I respect these people because I know the important role of nature in our lives. So, I became determined to figure out how to make the wilderness more accessible to me.

How I started my Indoor Forest

I wonder, do you know the saying “when Mohammed doesn’t go the mountain, the mountain comes to him…” Aha! Then, I realized I could bring the forest, and wilderness to me. From this point onwards, I invited the forest into my space, indoors and outdoors. Currently, I have so many plants both inside and around my home that I feel replenished by just being at home. As you can see in the picture above (a section of my home), some of my indoor plants are still young. I will have to repot them into bigger pots, if I want them to grow larger. I often wonder how it will feel to stay home more. Unfortunately, I work outside of my home now. Though during COVID, for 3 years I worked from home. During this time I started and then, cultivated my Indoor Forest, almost daily.

The Attraction Of Urban Hiking

What is Urban Hiking?

I dreaded the thought of going into the wilderness so much.  So, I brought the wilderness and forest into my environment. Yet, I still wanted to enjoy the many benefits of walking under the Sun, and being in Nature outside of my home environment.  The sun is to human beings what electricity is to the electronic devices we use daily. For example, electricity charges our cell phones, tablets, TVs so we can use them, while the Sun charges the cells in our bodies. 

The sun also helps the body to make vitamin D. Vitamin D is necessary for the optimization of all our body functions. I also know physical exercise, and also mental exercise such as meditation, is important because physical movement gives the brain signals, through which the cells in our bodies, and the different physiological systems such as, our respiratory, digestive, musculoskeletal, sleep, lymphatic, and many more systems can function properly. I have always known I have to get enough Sun exposure daily. This meant, I had to spend time Outside. So, I turned to Urban Hiking.

How I started Urban Hiking

For many years, I have called myself an Urban Hiker. I thought Urban Hiking was just a term I had coined to express to my friends and colleagues my love for being outside in nature, without actually being out in the wilderness. To me Urban hiking meant going on walks around my neighborhood, and other neighborhoods. Fortunately, I live in an area with a lot of greenery – majestic looking trees, shrubs and a variety of flowers and vegetation.

What is Urban Hiking?

Sometimes, I would go to a nearby park within which there is a Japanese garden. At other times, I would drive to a friend’s home and we would take her dogs for long walks around her neighborhood. Her gated community was full of greenery, as well. We love these walks and so do her dogs whenever we to take them with us. By taking these leisure walks in these urban neighborhoods I dance with nature constantly, and I am able to replenish my Vitality quite consistently. Recently, I discovered Urban Hiking has been a known Concept. I was astonished.  See some fun facts I found out about Urban Hiking Here.

What are some Pros and Cons of Hiking?


  • In general, for all kinds of hikes from Mountain to Urban Hiking, the major pros of hiking are the positive impact these activities have on our Physical and Mental health.  Even when you cannot go to Exotic Hiking Trails away from your home, you can Urban Hike. 
What is Urban Hiking?


  • The major con of hiking is hikers are Prone to Injury such as Blisters, Falling, or Twisting their ankle and more.
  • Hiking could become an expensive endeavor, especially when people choose to travel to areas with specific hiking trails. Aha! But, we have the solution. We found a Savings Membership Program that has very attractive discounts for Travel and Vacation Packages. Check it out! You will be so excited that you found this Page.
  • The use of inappropriate Hiking Shoes. Having good Urban Hiking shoes is a necessity because good hiking shoes provide the necessary protection during a Hike. There are numerous hiking shoes to choose from. I have a preference for minimalist shoes, which allow for the natural movement of my feet, ankles and posture to be optimized.

Here Are Some Alternatives to Urban Hiking

Not everybody has the capacity to hike. Yet, everyone needs to move and have a moderate to a huge splash of sunshine daily. 

An alternative to hiking can be Seated Walking or Hiking, especially when you position your chair on your Balcony, or Patio, or either at your Backyard, or Front yard. Just make sure you get your splash of Sunshine for the day. You may want to consider your skin tone. If your skin complexion is darker, rather than lighter, you will have to be under the Sun longer to reap the benefits when compared to those who are lighter complexioned.  For darker complexioned individuals, depending on the tone of your skin, you may need to be under the sun between 45 minutes to 60 minutes. For those who are light complexioned, 20 to 30 minutes should suffice. Duration of Sun exposure needed is dependent on Skin complexion and tone because that determined time needed for the skin to absorb the relevant nutrients from the Sun.

Here is a Seated Walking/ Hiking Video, Enjoy!

Video By SilverSneakers

Benefits of using Sun Lamps or Light Boxes

When you cannot regularly go outside to get a splash of Sunshine, for whatever reason, you may want to consider using a Sun Lamp, or Light Box.  These are lamps that Mimic day time light. Interestingly, these Sun Lamps or Light Boxes are able to help the body make Vitamin D. But, there are some Risks, although they can be Beneficial. Consult with your Healthcare Provider before using any Sun Lamps, or Light Boxes.

What is Urban Hiking?

Risks of using Sun Lamps or Light Boxes

Using Sun Lamps for Vitamin D production might be dangerous because Sun Lamps and Light Boxes need to emit Ultra Violet (UV) light for our Skin to produce Vitamin D. Ultra Violet light can be carcinogenic on Unprotected Skin. It is preferable to get your Vitamin D from Natural Sunshine, and from Your Nutrition whenever possible. Consult with your Healthcare Provider before using any Sun Lamps, or Light Boxes.

Who Should Avoid Sun Lamps

Anyone who has the following Medical Conditions should for sure avoid using a Sun Lamp, or Light Box. Whatever is the case, consult with your Healthcare Provider before using any Sun Lamps, or Light Boxes.

  • Diabetes
  • Macular degeneration
  • Existing skin cancer
  • Connective tissue damage
  • Lupus and more…

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