Sleep vs Rest – Any Differences?

Why We Need Adequate Sleep vs Rest

Sleep vs Rest – Any Differences shows how different Sleep and Rest can be. But, also how these Functions together are the Ultimate Self-care. Because our World today is obsessed with Productivity, natural activities for Healthy Living such as Sleeping and Resting have become Luxuries. Most times, Sleep and Rest are victims of the Industrial Age, and they have progressively lost their significance due to our Culture of Movement with little Resting. Although Sleep and Rest are different Functions. They work together to improve our Physical and Mental Health, and our general Well being. Thus supporting a healthier, happier, more purposeful and meaningful life.

How is Sleeping Different from Resting?

Sleep vs Rest

Sleep is very different from Rest. Sleep is a complex process that is important for our Body Tissue and Systems Health. This means, we do not merely want to Sleep. Everyone Needs to Sleep. Although sleep is a period to Repair, Reset and Restore, the Mind and Body are significantly active during sleep. This is referred to as Sleep Consciousness. We should really focus equally on getting enough Sleep and Rest as an Ultimate self-care strategy. 


Risks of Not Getting Enough Sleep

“Lack of sleep will Kill you” because we “Die of Sepsis” says Dr. Rafael Pelago, a specialist in Sleep Medicine. Sleep deprivation drops our Immunity. Thus, allowing opportunistic pathogens such as viruses and bacteria to invade our bodies. This type of invasion allows infections to fester. And which has the potential to kill if one’s immunity is already compromised. Surprisingly, the brain prioritizes Sleep over Breathing. Just like the brain prioritizes Deep Sleep at the onset of the sleep cycle each night. Sleep is an important self-care strategy. It is the Ultimate Self-care practice because it is a Restorative, Revitalizing, Rejuvenating and Reenergizing process for the Whole body.

Quality vs Quantity of Sleep

It amuses me when people try to judge their Academic Successes by the number of Hours they have Studied. Rather than the Quality of Study during a specified period. Likewise, when people estimate their Well being to the Quantity of Food consumed, or Number of Hours of Sleep, rather than Quality of Food consumed, or Quality of Sleep. People often ask, “how long do I need to sleep…”

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) recommends seven and a half hours of sleep. But of course, the Breast feeding mother, or the father looking after his sick son at night will have shorter hours of sleep to accommodate their respective obligations. Get this! During Summer when there are shorter nights, we typically sleep less. And in Winter, we sleep longer because Winter typically has longer nights and shorter days. We are part of Nature. So, we do what the rest of Nature does. Follow the natural Rhythmic Cycles in Nature,

Range of Sleep is Normal

Most things in Life have a range. There is almost always a Grey Area. You most certainly have an Upper and Lower Limit to most things. Sleep is not an exception. Many people know how many hours of restful sleep they need to Feel Optimal. These same folks know how many hours of restful sleep is Just Enough. If you do not know your Range of Sleep, self monitor and Find Out!

Sleep vs Rest

It perplexes me that people want to Fix a Nutrition Problem with Everything Else, except proper Food. Similarly, people cannot Work through a Sleep problem, they have to simply get into Bed and Sleep.

The Benefits of Sleeping

Here is a list of Benefits of Quality Sleep

  • Enhancing Mood: Enough sleep supports Mood Regulation. During sleep Neurotransmitter levels are regulated. Dopamine and Serotonin regulate Mood, Emotions, and Actions. Therefore, when we are sleep deprived, these Neurotransmitters have lower levels in our bodies, which results in poor Mood Regulation.
  • Improving Cognitive Activities and Memory: Memories are consolidated during Sleep. And, Cognitive Activities such as Creativity and Attention are supported by getting adequate sleep. Toxins, Free Radicals, and other Waste Products removal occur during sleep as well.
  • Boosting Immunity: Our immune systems are Weakened by Sleep Deprivation. Cytokines that Fight Inflammation, Stress and Infections are produced during Sleep.

More Benefits…

  • Regulating Appetite: Sleep regulates our Hunger Hormones, which support a Healthy Body Weight. Imbalances in Levels of Ghrelin (increases hunger), and Leptin (decreases hunger) due to inadequate sleep results in Overeating. To further support a Health Body weight, we have two Nootropics to help with the process. Check at the end of this page for more information.
  • Repairing Physical Health: Repairing and Regenerating the body occurs during sleep. Therefore, enough sleep helps to prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, obesity, and heart disease. Additionally, Repairing of Damaged Tissues; Regulating of Hormone levels; And, Strengthening of our Immunity happens during Restful Sleep.

How to Improve Quality of Sleep

Here are some Sleep Tips

  • Exercising Regularly: Exercising regularly can help reduce Stress, which improves the Quality of Sleep.
  • Creating a Comfortable Sleep Environment: Making sure your bedroom is Dark, Quiet, and Cool enhances Restful Sleep.
  • Limiting Alcohol, Nicotine and Caffeine: These Substances have the potential to interfere with the Quality of Sleep. 
  • Practicing Relaxation Strategies: Relaxation strategies such as Meditation, Deep Breathing and perhaps Restorative Yoga can support quietening the Mind to get the Body ready for restful sleep. 
  • Sticking to a Regular Sleep Schedule: Trying to maintain a regular Sleep Schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time everyday plus weekends, has great benefits.

Remember to explore Additional Information on Sleep vs Rest and Weight Management at the End of this Page.


Resting is soothing to the Nervous System. Meaning Rest can be used to regulate our Nervous System. Resting can be both Active or Passive.

Active Resting

Sleep vs Rest

Active resting can mean Moderate low impact physical exercise between days of High Intensity Workouts. This type of Resting can include activities like Yoga, getting a Massage, and even paced Walking, as well as Stretching. This further means during Rest we can be present in the moment with whatever is choosing to do. Reading is another example of Active Resting.

Passive Resting

Passive Resting is the use of complete Rest to give our bodies a Break. Little or No engagement in anything physically Exerting. Examples of passive resting include Sleeping or Napping.

What is Resting, Really?

Rest is different for everyone. In reality, the activity does not matter, Rather how the Activity impacts your nervous system should be the Ultimate concern. You need to Rest your nervous system very often by reducing your Screen Time; Stimulants like Cigarettes, Alcohol and Coffee; and Daily Stress. Additionally, developing grounding strategies can be very useful.

Here are some grounding strategies:

  • Drawing mindfully.
  • Pausing momentarily in an activity
  • Listening to a song you really like
  • Walking slowly in the park
  • Breathing consciously
  • Taking a very warm and long bath

Benefits of Resting in Sleep vs Rest – Any Differences

Research findings show when individuals Practice Meditation, for 10-20 minutes their Relaxation Response is Activated. So, what is the Relaxation Response? It can be explained as a deliberate attempt to shut down the Fight-Flight Mechanism. In other words, the Relaxation Response is the opposite of Stress. The Relaxation Response calms the Body by Activation the Parasympathetic Nervous System. Resting has both mental and physical benefits. Here are instructions for a guided meditation practice by Dr. Herbert Benson.

Here are some potential mental/psychological and physical benefits of Resting:

  • Reducing anxiety and other mood issues.
  • Improving quality of sleep.
  • Decreasing chronic pain by 50 to 200%.
  • Lowering your heart rate.
  • Improving oxygen intake.
  • Reducing high blood pressure.

How to Balance the Hustle with Rest

Sleep vs Rest

Too much of anything is a problem. And, too little of anything is equally an issue. I mean this can be applied to something as benign as Drinking Water consumption. When we drink too much water we Dilute our Electrolytes. And, when we consume too little water, we get Dehydrated. The same analogue applies to Being Busy and Resting. If you want to better manage the effects of the Stress in your Life. Or, if you want to better regulate how you respond to the Stressors in your life, you Must learn to balance between Excessive Movement and Lack of Rest and Sleep. This balance will not only help you be more productive. But, you will be happier, healthier and clear minded, as well as you will Rise Above this Culture of Stress.

My Conclusions on Sleep vs Rest – Any Differences?

Also, I strongly think another reason why I might not need a lot of sleep, but still feel rested upon waking in the morning is my nutritional lifestyle. It is common knowledge that people who have adopted a similar anti-inflammatory nutritional style do not to sleep for long hours to feel rested.

Additional Information on Sleep vs Rest and Weight Management

We have 2 great Finds for you to enhance detoxification, increase fat burning and loss of inches round your waistline and body, in general. All while you sleep. Here are Zlēm® Sleep and Slim which detoxes you as you sleep. And here is Plôs® THERMO, which has MitoBurn, a natural Fat Burner, a natural Metabolic enhancer because it has an Amino Acid Metabolite of L-valine. Valine also has Brain Function and can help you Sleep.

The information on this page is not meant to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. Please consult your mental health, and medical providers before using any of this information. This page is for informational purposes only.

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