Youth and Bio-Hacking Science

We found the fountain of youth and its a GEL. This is where you get to feel better due to the interaction between Biohacking and Science. We have Found a product that truly works to restore our Youth. You can reverse the signs of Aging throughout the body to feel Young and Fantastic! There is this message that aging means ailing. I say no to that. You have the capacity to age Gracefully. And yes, you will need the appropriate support to age well. Some of lifestyle practices that support youthfulness are proper nutrition, adequate sleep and rest, as well as appropriate movement. Today, I present to you a biohacking product many people are raving about. It is called uüth™ Time Reverser. Additionally, there are other biohacking products that will be presented below, which can also be used to enhance and augment aspects of your health and wellness.


Start Rejuvenating and Revitalizing Yourself.

Get uüth™ Time Reverser Now to Get Your Youth Back!

uüth™ Time Reverser

This supplement is nicknamed the Youth Reverser because it appears to Stop and Reverse Time. The proprietary Blend of Nutrients in the uüth™ time reverser will make you Feel and Look Younger. Having Youth is really an Incredible Feeling!

My Take. My Thoughts

Our body is a Gift. You have seen the video above. And you’ve seen what uüth™ time reverser can do. By simply using uüth™ daily, you can Look and Feel Youthful and Vibrant. This Bio Hacking Solution is the Best Anti Aging and Youth promoting product out there… You will be surprised by the result you will get when you use this product consistently! Mind you, biohacking did not start Today. Biohacking has existed forever…

But, this is not the whole story. For you to truly Reverse Time and Regain Youth, you will have to engage in different healthy living strategies and adopt a healthy lifestyle. I have done exactly that, and I often get remarks that I look much younger than my age.

Try uüth™ Time Reverser today and see for yourself how you can get your Youth back.!

In addition to uüth™ Time Reverser – Youth,


Let’s take a look at the other biohacking products I’d like to share with you. I bet you will be glad you found this page.

Medical and Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Bio Hacking Strategies From An Early Civilization

First some history,

Hippocrates is known as the father of Western Medicine. Hippocrates wrote extensively about the use of what can today be called Bio Hacking interventions in his medical practice. Dr. Goodman and colleagues discovered, Hippocrates may not have given the famous injunction “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.”

Rather, Goodfood and colleagues discovered

  • The original Greek medical oath of Hippocrates was, “I will apply dietetic and lifestyle measures to help the sick to my best ability and judgment; I will protect them from harm and injustice.”
  • Hippocrates was also know to have written about the need for physical exercise. Interestingly, Dr. Goodfood and peers discovered a text where Hippocrates stated, “walking is a natural exercize, more than any other form of physical exercize” because “It prevents fattening of the stomach.”
  • In the De Alimento which was also written by Hippocrates, he declared, “In  food excellent medicine can be found, in food bad medicine can be found; good and bad are relative.”

This means, the food we consume can both Harm and Heal us. And, the Lifestyle we have can Replenish or Deplete us.

What Does Bio Hacking Look Like for Us Today?

Just like during Hippocrates’ era, almost every Traditional Medical System combines or independently uses food, physical movement, and sleep as well as the spirit or spiritual practices to enhance and augment Health and Performance. Today, there is a synergy an Exciting and Refreshing synergy between Food and Biological Sciences and DIY Bio hacks from ancient times. Bio Hacking Solutions that are finally available for the Modern times in which all live. Everybody needs these Bio Hacking Solutions, the young, and not so young because of our Collective Over-Exposure to a Modernized way of living.


What do I mean by Modern living? Well, to cut the long story short, eras of Technological Revolutions which have cumulated into our current Artificial Intelligence (AI), Digital, and Technological Revolution have contributed to Mental Health Decline, Isolation and Social Division, Addiction, Depletion of Natural Resources and Environmental Pollution and much more. Which does not even include my spill about the detrimental effects of the Electromagnetic Field (EMF) on the Human Body. That is, on our Cells, Intracellular and Intercellular Systems.

Food and Biological Scientists as well as DIY Bio Hackers offer Solutions!

Biohacking is what I have practiced from my earlier years of life. My biohacking efforts have been DIY biohacking. I started with using unorthodox strategies to restore the balance in different ways. Here are some examples:

Mitigating Malaria infestation. After using my anti-malaria DIY biohacking for a couple of years, I no longer fell ill with Malaria. These were the biohacking steps I took:

  • Stay away from eating any food. In other words fast until the fever breaks
  • Make sure you are well hydrated with only drinking water and urine therapy
  • When the fever breaks, break your fast with a medium sized papaya. Make sure you eat all the papaya seeds.
  • Then eat only fruits, except bananas for the next one or two days.

Facial Mask. Use fresh urine as a facial mask

  • Wash face
  • Splash fresh urine on your face.
  • Let it dry. You will notice your skin tightening
  • Wash face thorough after about 10 minutes

Bio Hacking Solutions – Here Are Five Additional Awesome Products to Improve Your Lives, Performance and Health:

Brān® Reimagined:

For Brain and Body Health. The brān® supplement is a well balance nootropic that Boosts the Brain and Body immediately after consumption. For many people, this supplement reduces Brain Fog, and enhances Mental Sharpness. It also has the additional Amazing effect of supporting the burning of stored body Fat and Glucose.

Learn How To Be in a State of Flow with brān®️ Reimagined! from Velovita Official on Vimeo.

Tips From Dr. Saberi: A lot of yawning or having jittery feelings after taking a Snap of brān® could mean:

  • You may not be sleeping Enough
  • May be you are taking Additional sources of Caffeine
  • Perhaps you are taking extra Caffeine too close to taking, or to close after taking your Snap. Listen to your Body!

Byōm™️ Remastered:

For Gut Health. With so many people suffering from Gastrointestinal (GI) issues, including Leaky Gut, it is understandable when you start taking care of your Gut with byōm™️, healing starts. When your Gut starts recovering, Food is digested and absorbed more easily. There is improvement in Cellular Hydration and Immune Function. too, and as such, the Body works less, and becomes more Efficient.

byōm™️ Remastered from Velovita Official on Vimeo.

This is Bio hacking at its Finest. tuün™ is worn around the neck to protect us from Harmful EMF emissions. This is One Bio Hack Every Human Being should use to maintain their attunement to the Earth’s Natural Vibrational Frequencies. In this we can Minimize the Harmful Overload because of Modernization – Less headaches, less Body Pains and less Fatigue.

tuün™ RESONATE from Velovita Official on Vimeo.

Zlēm®Sleep and Slim:

Enjoy Restful Sleep with zlēm®, which promotes the Revitalization, Re-energization and Rejuvenation of the body. This supplement is a Perfect Solution that supports the burning of Stored Fat during sleep. zlēm®sleep and slim is our Number 1 Selling Bio Hacking Solution.

NEW Arrivals!!!

Bio Hacking

The discontinued Plôs® Thermo has been replaced by the new. Additionally, we have New Arrivals! There are new exciting versions of the Brān® Reimagined, Zlēm® Sleep and Slim, and Byōm® Remastered. These new versions are more conveniently packaged. Additionally, the Lite versions are in spray form allowing more people use them. Here you go, we are introducing the Lite Versions!

Brān® Lite immediately uplifts and supports healthier brain function and performance. Zlēm® Lite helps your body enjoy good quality sleep and supports an improved state of health. While Byōm® Lite provides helps to improve the microbiomes in the gut, put your body in an alkaline state as well as provides cellular hydration.

Bio hacking

Honestly, these Six Bio Hacking Solutions are Phenomenal and they will Change how you Feel and Look for SURE! So Many People are Raving about them on the Internet!

These Biohacking Supplements are for Everyone and Anyone… What are the DIY Biohacking Strategies You have Utilized Successfully?

Note: These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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