Health Benefits and Positive Thinking

Health Benefits and Positive Thinking are Correlated. You can Improve your Health by Being a predominant Positive Thinker. Simply Effective! Because Positive thinking is a major contributor to Stress management. Therefore, it can significantly improve your Health. Today, everywhere, in our schools, workplaces, homes, in your cars when on the roads, and everywhere else can be experienced as Stressful. Wherever there are people, there can be Stressful Situations.

Health Benefits and Positive Thinking

Are you someone who sees the glass as half Full, rather than half Empty? Do you usually look at life through Grey glasses, rather than Rose glasses? The way you respond to situations, your Interpretation of events informs how you feel Emotionally. The Meaning you give to Circumstances, informs how you Think about what someone else has Said to you. Or, Done to you. How you Evaluate your Body Sensations in the face of malignant or benign provocation also informs if your Fight, Flight or Freeze Mechanism will be Activated, or Not. The Situation or Event is of little, or no Consequence. How you Chose to React, or Respond is King or Queen.

Here is a Video on the Power of the Correlation between Health Benefits and Positive Thinking

What Does Health Benefits and Positive Thinking Look Like?

Positive thinking and Optimism are synonymous. Especially within the context of Effective stress Management. And, Effective Stress Management is correlated with various Health Benefits. Many people think when one is encouraged to be predominantly Optimistic, or become a Positive Thinker, it means ignoring Less Positive, or outright Negative thoughts, emotions, behaviors, or circumstances. Another subset of people think being predominantly Optimistic means Living a Pollyanna Life. Oh no!

Health Benefits and Positive Thinking

Optimism, and Positive Thinking go far beyond these interpretations. Positive thinking means you approach Unpleasant Events, or Circumstances in life with more optimism than the average person who is a Predominant Negative Thinker – Pessimistic. When you approach a Negative, or Less Positive situation with optimism, you are More Calm and Productive. Being completely steeped in the negativity of the situation prohibits, or limits you from Seeing and/or Recognizing Possibilities.

Being Optimistic in your approach to less positive situations, broadens your horizon even in the face of Despair, which in turn allows you see and recognize Options, Possibilities, Solutions and/or Resolutions. Negativity fosters Tunnel Vision, which excludes all possibilities, except the option you are focused on. What you say to yourself will promote health benefits and positive thinking, or Not.

How Self Talk promotes Health Benefits and Positive Thinking, or Not?

Believe it, or not! All thinking whether Positive or Negative thinking often start with Conscious or Unconscious Self-Talk. This is usually the origin. So, then, what is self talk exactly? It is a Stream of Unspoken Words, Images, Scenes, or Pictures that flow through your head consciously, or unconsciously. These unspoken thoughts can be Logical, Rational, Reasonable and Helpful. Sometimes, self talk could be imbued with irrational ideas and cognitive biases that are not helpful – unhelpful thinking due to misconceived notions, and preconceived predictions about the Future.

During a less positive moment, it usually seems there are no benefits to Positive Thinking or Optimism. Because when we feel angry, sad, frustrated, annoyed, disgusted, or anxious, our intuitive reaction is to get away from these negative Feelings and Emotions. Stop! You need to learn to see the benefits in sitting with negative feelings and emotions. The Main thing is to acknowledge these uncomfortable feelings and emotions. And then, proceed from there. Let me give you an Metaphor to further explain what I mean.

Health Benefits and Positive Thinking

A Case Study Scenario/Metaphor

Interpretations and Conclusions Of The Above Case Study/Metaphor

Examples of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking helps you change your attitude towards Whatever Situation or Environment encountered. Sometimes being overly optimistic might cause issues for us. This is referred to as Toxic Positivity. But first, lets look at some examples of Optimistic, and Positive Thinking:

  • Having a good time even when things don’t go as planned.
  • Looking at the bright side after a huge loss.
  • Meditating when feeling overwhelmed.
  • Feeling joyful and thankful even when you are lacking.
  • Finding worthwhile pastimes when stuck at home, office or in traffic.
  • Being happy for another person’s success.
  • Practicing self care after a failure at work, or school.
Health Benefits and Positive Thinking

Toxic Positivity

Relentless Positivity is being Strongly geared towards what is Right, as well as adopting Emotional Agility to deal with world as it is. Positive thinking that recognizes and acknowledges Reality has the potential to be beneficial eventually. Because, having Hope fosters Growth, which in turn improves Health and Wellbeing. Toxic Positivity refers to relentless positivity without acknowledging Reality, Uncomfortable and Painful Emotions. And, a disconnect from Reality. that is, toxic positivity involves the suppression of negative feelings, and emotions no matter the situations that can lead to Invalidation of one’s Experiences, Isolation, Maladaptive Coping, and Traumatization. And in some cases, Re-traumatization.

Why Learn Positive Thinking and Optimism?

Some individuals are more inclined to be positive thinker and optimistic. Others may not be so inclined. Hold on! No worries. I am not finished yet. If you feel you are not naturally predisposed to be a Positive Thinker. This doesn’t mean you cannot learn and cultivate the capacity so see positive possibilities and opportunities in life. It takes some practice to become a predominantly Positive Thinker and Optimist. But, with consistent practice, practice, practice, your thinking patterns will start to shift neurologically. That is how we get out of Habitual Cycles, especially distressing ones.

Attributes of a Positive Thinker and Optimist

Here are some characteristics of a Positive thinker:

  • Can Visualize Favorable Outcome more readily. 
  • A positive thinker assumes others are Inherently Good. Therefore, an optimist often believes others have good intentions, rather than ulterior motives all the time.
  • Is more often inclined to Interpret Behaviors, or Verbalizations by others as favorable, rather than jump to negative conclusions, frequently.
  • You know bad news, events or circumstances do not mean the Entire World, or Everybody is bad. You know good things will continue to happen as well.  
Health Benefits and Positive Thinking

Health Benefits and Positive thinking – 13 Ways they Correlate

There are many Health Benefits due to Positive Thinking, and Optimism. These benefits may surprise you. Read over the list and see how the quality of your life can be positively impacted. Here are 13 health benefits and positive thinking correlates:

  • Lower blood pressure.
  • Increased life span in general.
  • Better cognitive functioning such as better problem-solving, and more creative thinking capacity.
  • Lower levels of distress and pain
  • Greater resistance to illnesses such as having more resistant to the common cold, and flu. And, having a stronger and more efficient immune system.

More information on Health Benefits and Positive Thinking below…

  • Better psychological and physical well-being. And, greater malleability to adapt to change in general.
  • Lower risk of depression
  • Fewer mood swings due to having a more consistent outlook on Life
  • Better cardiovascular health and reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease and stroke
  • Reduced risk of death from cancer

And here are a few more Health Benefits and Positive Thinking correlates…

  • Reduced risk of death from respiratory conditions
  • Reduced risk of death from infections
  • Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress. That is, better stress management.

15 Tips to Start your Health Benefits and Positive Thinking Journey

If you struggle with positive thinking and optimism, know it will take some time to make the desired shifts in your self-dialogue. The process will likely involve you falling of the wagon. But, then you pick yourself up, and get back to practicing positive self talk. Here are some tips to support you with making these changes: 

  • Getting plenty of sleep.
  • Accepting circumstances as they are, and what you can do for yourself, and sometimes others.
  • Developing a morning and evening schedule.
  • Identifying areas you need to work on to support you in making these desired changes.

See below for more Tips…

Health Benefits and Positive Thinking
  • Being more open to humor, laugh more and smile more.
  • Keeping thing real with others and yourself.
  • Keeping things real with others and yourself.
  • Following a healthy lifestyle.

There are still a few more Tips to read…

  • Practicing positive self talk.
  • Taking care of your mental and physical health
  • Treating yourself often. This is not being egoistic.
  • Monitoring yourself, especially your self talk, emotions, feelings and behaviors.

How to Identify Negative Thinking

Sometimes it is easier to changes when you first identify what needs to be changed. Here is a video identifying negative thinking and thinking traps. Note which negative thinking tendencies apply to you.

Video on Identifying Negative Thinking and Thinking Traps

Additional Solutions to Support Positive Thinking, Improves Mental Acuity, Alertness, Mood, Calmness, and Focus.

We have additional Solutions to boost Positive Thinking, Optimism and other Cognitive capacities. This Solution is a Bio Hack. It is a Supplement. Our brain just like our body needs cellular regeneration, repair and maintenance. Below is a video for more information.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not meant to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. Please consult your mental health, and medical providers before using any of this information. This page is for informational purposes only.

My Take. My Conclusion on the Health Benefits and Positive Thinking…

Do you fall into the Negative Thinking Trap?

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