Coffee and Weight Loss

By adding a magic bio-hacking creamer to your favorite coffee. Watch inches and fat melt away. Add this to your coffee, or tea, and enjoy. We have a double sided Biohacking Solution that allows you Enjoy your Coffee, or Tea, on the one hand. And on the other hand, you life and health can be improve by slimming your Waistline, significantly. What can Beat improving your health by combining your favorite beverage Tea, or Coffee and gradual Weight Loss. Awesome, isn’t it! In addition, we have other biohacking products to show you because they are special as well.


But, first, let’s talk about Coffee and Weight Loss…

Plôs® THERMO + Coffee and Weight Loss

This supplement supports Weight Management, the Right Way. It focuses on Caloric Intake control, and elimination of empty calories from Unhealthy Sugars, and bad Fats. Additionally, Coffee and plôs® improves your waistline with regular use. The versatility of this product makes it possible to use plôs® in most beverages. Be it Coffee, Tea, or whatever works better for you. Use Coffee + plôs® THERMO for improved wellness.

Benefits of Coffee and Weight Loss with Plôs THERMO At A Glance

  • Enhances Metabolism
  • Regulates your daily caloric intake
  • Controls Appetite and Cravings leading to Healthy Weight Loss
  • Plus adopting a winning Lifestyle will give you the results you want and deserve!

Aside from COMBINING Coffee and Plôs THERMO, what else can you combine to get similar, or better results?

And then Combining Plôs THERMO with Zlēm® has an even more Powerful impact on Weight Loss. You want to Know More? See here

 How can your Lifestyle be affected By Coffee and Weight Loss using Plôs THERMO?

According to reviews v=by those who use this supplement,

  • You can eat anything you want. Within reason, of course!
  • You can still Enjoy Ture Fine Wines, and you will still Lose Weight
  • Curbs your hungriness, which naturally leads to eating smaller portions of food.
  • You can be taking only Two of the Bio Hacking Solutions, or All Six. The more the Better. However, Less can be More. It goes without saying it depends on your Body Constitution

With the above pros, you can Enjoy your Tea, or Coffee and Fine Wine  daily without guilt! Now, let’s explore the other biohacking products made by the same company. This company is innovative and seem to pay attention to the quality of their products.

Enjoy Your Coffee and Weight Loss with Plôs THERMO

My Perspective

Plôs THERMO is a nondairy beverage creamer, which suppresses cravings and helps with weight loss.  Do you know what you need to do to take advantage of what plôs THERMO can do for you? Simply add one Snap to your beverage of choice – Coffee or Tea. Personally I prefer teas to coffee. You will notice a dose of energy whenever you include plôs THERMO in your beverage. It is best used in the morning to start off your daily with Energy. You will notice you can savor plôs THERMO without having to ingest Dairy. These assertions have been made by those who use this bio hacking supplement daily. Dairy can be pro-inflammatory for many people. However, not everyone has an adverse reaction to dairy, though. For those who get inflamed by dairy, Coffee + Plôs THERMO will be the prefect combo.

My Personal Thoughts and Take!

Personally, plôs THERMO could be a good substitute because I get an inflammatory response from dairy products. It took me forever, to admit that and finally stay away from consuming plain yogurt from cows that are 100% grass fed and finished. I am thinking either, or both the homogenization and pasteurization processes may be responsible for my inflammatory responses to dairy products, especially when processed. Many times I have taken raw butter and milk without any adverse body reactions. Additionally, it could well be the casein and perhaps the whey proteins in dairy that I react to. I don’t know for sure…

Many many years ago, I read a book that talked about how calves that lost their mother cow failed to survive on the milk we feed our children. That is, these calves died after they had been bottle fed with homogenized and pasteurized cow milk. How ironic, right? That got me thinking, seriously! I looked around. And I realized, humans are the only mammals that drink milk and consume its derivatives after infancy. Most strikingly to me is that we, human, are the only mammals that ingest milk from other species other than ours. Isn’t that strange? I don’t think adults need milk, or its derivatives in their diet. Most certainly not in the form our dairy products are processed these days to prolong their shelf life.

I am aware in some cultures yogurt is a predominant staple food. My argument is that people from such cultures prepare, and preserve their dairy products still, in the most natural ways. This makes a huge difference in the dietary values when compared to our modern preservation and processing practices. Because I have practically eliminated all the inflammatory foods I used to eat, I am now naturally experiencing a re-composition of my body. It has been a very slow process. But, I am losing fat and inches, rather than weight. According to reviews on plôs THERMO, this bio hacking supplement seems to promote the re-composition of the body as well, where losing inches and not necessarily weight seems to happen.

Here are some additional awesome supplements you might find useful in augmenting and enhancing your well being and health.

Bio Hacking Explained In More Details

Bio Hacking is aimed at Improving Human Health, and Performance by using Specific Technical and Do-It-Yourself Bioscientific strategies. Though it seems like Bio Hacking is a recent Revolution because there is huge momentum behind the Bio Hacking phenomenon at the moment. However, Bio Hacking such as Fasting ((a.k.a Intermittent Fasting), and Meditation have existed from the beginning of time. Bio Hacking is literally entrenched in every Traditional Medical System. And, can even be traced back to the peak period of the early Greek civilization.

Medical and Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Bio Hacking Strategies From An Early Civilization

Hippocrates is known as the father of Western Medicine. Hippocrates wrote extensively about the use of what can today be called Bio Hacking interventions in his medical practice. Dr. Goodman and colleagues discovered, Hippocrates may not have given the famous injunction “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.”

Rather, Goodfood and colleagues discovered

  • The original Greek medical oath of Hippocrates was, “I will apply dietetic and lifestyle measures to help the sick to my best ability and judgment; I will protect them from harm and injustice.”
  • Hippocrates was also know to have written about the need for physical exercise. Interestingly, Dr. Goodfood and peers discovered a text where Hippocrates stated, “walking is a natural exercize, more than any other form of physical exercize” because “It prevents fattening of the stomach.”
  • In the De Alimento which was also written by Hippocrates, he declared, “In  food excellent medicine can be found, in food bad medicine can be found; good and bad are relative.”

This means, the food we consume can both Harm and Heal us. And, the Lifestyle we have can Replenish or Deplete us.

What Does Bio Hacking Look Like for Us Today?


Food and Biological Scientists as well as DIY Bio Hackers offer Solutions!

Bio Hacking Solutions – Here Are Five More Products You Must Have To Augment and Enhance Your Health and Performance:

Brān® Reimagined:

For Brain and Body Health. The brān® supplement is a well balance nootropic that Boosts the Brain and Body immediately after consumption. For many people, this supplement reduces Brain Fog, and enhances Mental Sharpness. It also has the additional Amazing effect of supporting the burning of stored body Fat and Glucose.

Learn How To Be in a State of Flow with brān®️ Reimagined! from Velovita Official on Vimeo.

Byōm™️ Remastered:

For Gut Health. With so many people suffering from Gastrointestinal (GI) issues, including Leaky Gut, it is understandable when you start taking care of your Gut with byōm™️, healing starts. When your Gut starts recovering, Food is digested and absorbed more easily. There is improvement in Cellular Hydration and Immune Function. too, and as such, the Body works less, and becomes more Efficient.

byōm™️ Remastered from Velovita Official on Vimeo.

Tuün™ Resonate:

This is Bio hacking at its Finest. tuün™ is worn around the neck to protect us from Harmful EMF emissions. This is One Bio Hack Every Human Being should use to maintain their attunement to the Earth’s Natural Vibrational Frequencies. In this we can Minimize the Harmful Overload because of Modernization – Less headaches, less Body Pains and less Fatigue.

tuün™ RESONATE from Velovita Official on Vimeo.

uüth™ Time Reverser

This supplement is nicknamed the Youth Reverser because it appears to Stop and Reverse Time. The proprietary Blend of Nutrients in the uüth™ time reverser will make you Feel and Look Younger. It is really an Incredible feeling!

Zlēm®Sleep and Slim:

Enjoy Restful Sleep with zlēm®, which promotes the Revitalization, Re-energization and Rejuvenation of the body. This supplement is a Perfect Solution that supports the burning of Stored Fat during sleep. zlēm®sleep and slim is our Number 1 Selling Bio Hacking Solution.

NEW Arrivals!!!

Lite Versions

Discontinuing the old Plôs® Thermo. But, we have New Arrivals! There are new exciting versions of the Brān® Reimagined, Zlēm® Sleep and Slim, and Byōm® Remastered. These new versions are more conveniently packaged. Additionally, the Lite versions are in spray form allowing more people use them. Here you go, we are introducing the Lite Versions!

Lite Versions

Brān® Lite immediately uplifts and supports healthier brain function and performance. Zlēm® Lite helps your body enjoy good quality sleep and supports an improved state of health. While Byōm® Lite provides helps to improve the microbiomes in the gut, put your body in an alkaline state as well as provides cellular hydration.

Honestly, these Six Bio Hacking Solutions are Phenomenal and they will Change how you Feel and Look for SURE!

Bio Hacking

Not all of these Solutions May Make Sense to You, but there are At Least TWO of these Solutions Everyone and Anyone, – Young or Older Absolutely Needs.

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