Dream Bigger – Dreams are Limitless

Dream Bigger because they are limitless. Not only are Dreams Limitless, they are Conceived, Visualized and Actualized by Acting on Set Goals! This means, Dreams are Absolutely Achievable. Simply put, a combination of both Short and Long term Goals would most likely bring one’s dreams to Fruition. Today, I am challenged to reflect on the progression of my Dreams. For this, I will have to go back to when I was a Toddler. Funny, isn’t it? I guess you are wondering what possible dreams can a toddler have. The tale of my Life Dreams starts here…

Dream Bigger

I am the first offspring of my parents. And, at the time in question, I was the only child. My younger sister came along when I was almost three years old. According to my mother, when I was a toddler I would boast to my mom, or anyone else who cared enough to listen, “mein Papi hat hunderte millionen…” which translates to “my dad has hundreds of millions…” Where did I get that idea from? I was too young to have been exposed to the ideas, and messages about wealth and riches. My conclusion is, I was born with an innate Dream to be Wealthy. As I have grown older, the meaning of Wealth, Riches, Abundance, and Expansion has shifted and morphed a couple of times.

I was born into a medical family where my father was a Surgeon, and my mother is a Surgical Nurse. Although my mother is retired now. And yes, you may be partially accurate to conclude my kindergartener Dreams were conceived from the fact that I was born into my family environment. I wanted to be a pediatrician. During play time in kindergarten, I was always dressed as a Physician looking after dolls, which were always babies and children. Additionally, I had this strong pull to be a nurturer. As my mother has often pointed out over the years, I naturally fell into the big sister role immediately my younger sister was born. This role started with me introducing myself to my younger sister as “big sister” once they came back home from the hospital after my younger sister was born.

Of course, when I was a little kid, I did not understand this pull to nurture others. However, in retrospect, I recognize this pull as the need to be of service to others. My ideology of Wealth, Riches, Abundance, and Expansion morphed from just having hundreds of millions in any currency to combining Having Plenty Money and Serving Other People. As I chronicle the evolution of my dreams I have come to the realization that the foundation of my Dreams have remained the same. But, my Dreams are Bigger!

My life has not paned out exactly as my young mind had conceived. Yet, I am close to what my young mind visualized. I am in a position, where I have a platform from where I have Served and Nurtured Others for many years. Very fulfilling work, indeed. But, the Plenty Money aspect of my dreams have not materialized, yet. You know, just like I know, we know when it is time to Expand our horizons. And, most times, I have been limited by family obligations, or lack of, or limited support from those closest to me.

Dream Bigger

These, I call excuses born out of FEAR of thrusting myself into the limelight. You see, I have always been very private. I have nurtured others, one person at a time, in the little corner of this universe where I have been permitted to exist. But, this pace is no longer enough for me. I have this restlessness within me, and the need to reach out to many more people with information I have gathered over the years, This information might help some people restore and maintain homeostasis on multiple levels. And simultaneously, I visualize ABUNDANCE – Over Abundance to materialize my childhood dreams of Abundant Wealth, Riches and Expansion.

My current Dreams are similar to what they were when I was a child. However, these dreams are more Refined and Precise, Expansive and Abundant. I am professing as follows:

  • I have a successful monetized Podcast that makes at least $30,000 monthly. This Podcast will help many people to connect to the healer within themselves towards restoration, and connection to abundance
  • My PBS Blog and Network Marketing business makes at least $35,000 monthly as I provide valuable services, information, and products to others
  • As a result, I attain Financial and Time Freedom because I do not have to work for anyone, not at their time, and not under their work conditions. I choose my hours of work even as a professional in my professional field
  • I have the flexibility and money to travel at any time, to any place around the world, and with anyone
  • I help anyone (i.e., family and others) of my choosing, financially without any worries.
  • Substantial donations to charities of my choosing, globally are made without any worries
  • My residential home is paid off. And, I buy at least one commercial property
  • Generate generational Wealth, Riches and Abundance and pass on to those who will still be here when it is time for me to continue with my journey in the beyond.
  • I attain Expansion and Over Abundance that my mind cannot even conceive or visualize, but the Universe can materialize in my Life. I am open to ALL Possibilities.
Dream Bigger

Guess what? I know to achieve my BIG dreams, I have to develop a very thick skin because there will be downers for no just reason, everywhere. You bet! You heard me correctly. Many people have the inclination to dish out negative positivity. I shall not be fazed by such pressures. Because I shall use my stumbling blocks as stepping blocks that will propel me forward. A long time ago, I found a simplified list of easy steps to follow to achieve one’s Big Dreams. Here, I share this article with you. Thank goodness I found it. You will be so excited you found this list, just like I was the first time I found it. And now, I use these strategies often.

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