Solar Power – A New Energy Solution!!

I believe in Everything Sustainable. We should be gentle and considerate towards Nature to Reduce our Carbon Footprint. Use Solar Power! Solar Power has a lot of Perks! That is absolutely awesome. So true, isn’t it? This has resulted in cars running on electricity, or batteries. And, houses using eco-friendly choices such as Solar and Renewable Energy. Additionally, people are becoming more aware of their Waste, and Carbon Footprint. Therefore, those who have turned towards using Renewable Energy have been praised as been considerate. While others are incentivized to do likewise.  

Picture of silhouette

Yet, my experiences with getting hooked up with the Solar Power Boom has been stressful, dramatic and complicated. I am not quite sure how far back I should go.

But, I believe wherever I choose to start from will be the right starting point. However, I am very happy to announce I found an Ethical Solar Power Vendor, at LAST! Oh Boy, how I wish I had found them earlier, before my fiasco with the Solar Power company I erroneously chose. Sustainable Power and Green Living is the way to go. Come along. Read about my experiences so you are aware what you could encounter. Most importantly, I have a GREAT Find that will most certainly interest you.

But First,

Here is a Video on Understanding Solar Power

A Beginner’s Guide on Solar Power

The Beginning of My Solar Power Inquiry, and Why?

Approximately Four years ago, I started thinking it might be worth the trouble utilizing Solar Panel generated electricity. I was thinking using Solar Power Energy is an excellent idea because of the following reasons:

  • It would lessen the pressure on the electrical grid that has supplied me with electricity over the years. Also, and very importantly, my electricity bill will be drastically reduced, or nonexistent.
Solar Power
  • I could completely get off the grid in the future, if I choose to buy Solar Power Energy Storage System(s).

  • If and when I purchase my Solar Batteries, I will have electricity when at Night there is a Blackout, or Power Outage.

More reasons…

  • Because Solar Batteries will be Fully Recharged daily during the day, there is no worry about food getting spoiled because my freezer, or refrigerator may defrost during a Blackout. For me this means, the Meat I have in my freezers will stay frozen until the Power Outage is over.

  • My carbon footprint will be significantly reduced. You know, if you are like me, you will wonder what a carbon footprint really means. According to the Center for Sustainable Systems, a carbon footprint simply means “the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused directly and indirectly by an individual, organization, event or product.” For more information on what a carbon footprint is, go here…

  • Finally, it was a general consensus among my friends and colleagues that Solar Power Energy will add value to my home if in the event I decide to sell it. However, they were very specific about distinguishing the benefits of the outright purchase of a Solar Power Energy system from the possible obstacles that might arise during the sale of my home if I am in a lease, or government incentive program.

Indeed, there is so much to Know and Consider when deciding to go Solar. I found an article by Forbes titled, “Everything You Need To Know About Solar Batteries,” which might further interest you.

At this juncture, I am going to digress a little. I will like to explore Electromagnetic Field radiations, their likely Impact, and Strategic Remediation.

Solar Power

Documented Concerns Over EMF Radiations from Solar Power Panels

It has been well established we have both Harmful and Harm Less Electromagnetic Field Radiations. There are low (non-ionizing), and high (ionizing) frequency radiations emitted by different electronic devices, or electric installations. According to Alliant Energy, there is some misinformation out in public about the harmful nature of dirty electricity emitted by Solar Panels.

You may wonder what I mean by non-ionizing and ionizing frequency radiations. I wondered that as well. So I researched these two terms. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),

  • Non-ionizing radiations do not have enough energy to alter the molecular structure of any entity by removing electrons from atoms. Examples of non-ionizing radiations are Solar Panels, infrared radiation, microwave radiation and so forth.


  • Ionizing radiation has the capacity to distort the molecular structure of an entity, and examples of ionizing radiations include X-rays, Gamma rays and so forth. The latter radiations are natural occurring and manmade.

Personal Take on the EMF and Solar Power

As I struggled with deciding to jump on the Solar Power Energy band wagon, or not, the question of the effects of EMF exposure came up for me, several times. When it comes to non-ionizing and ionizing radiations and their impact on people, I will always err on the side of caution. There are many anecdotal reports showing even the so called non-ionizing EMF radiations have a harmful impact on many people. There are also many study findings backing up these self-reports on the negative effects of EMF radiations. be it ionizing or non-ionizing EMFs.

Solar Power

Additionally, it may surprise you, but I am one of such people, who are EMF radiation sensitive. There are a couple of products you could use to protect your body, car, computer and rooms in your home, or office from EMF radiations. My go to amazing EMF Protection products are Velovita EMF protection and Restore my Spectrum EMF protection.

In other words, you will have to monitor your body and notice how it reacts around electronic devices, or electrical installations that emit these dirty electricity and EMF radiations, both ionizing and non-ionizing. Both types of radiations can harm body tissues. If you want more information on both ionizing and non-ionizing EMF radiations, and how they can be extremely harmful to some people? Check out this article.

EMF Protection Against Solar Power Energy Installation

Some study findings claim Solar Panels do not emit harmful EMF radiations. Rather it is the Solar inverters that emit Harmful EMFs. Other research findings found low level EMFs were correlated to infertility in men and changes in brain function among children and adolescents. So, what are we supposed to believe? Really? Well, I will suggest You err on the side of caution. If you use Solar Power at your residence, or office building you may want to purchase a Whole Home Energy Management system to protect everyone within your home, or office building. An example will be the Gen III. Of course you have to do your due diligence research to determine exactly what you need to Protect your Home, or Office from Harmful EMF before you make any purchases.

I think I am kind of done with exploring EMF and its ramifications. Ok honestly! At least for just now, I am done! Because I am affected by EMFs, I talk about them quite a bit so people with unexplained medical conditions might start exploring if they are sensitive to Dirty Electricity and EMFs. That will make a difference in the Quality of Life. Don’t you think?

The Several Solar Power Vendors I Interacted with to Determine the Best Fit

Solar Power

Like I had stated earlier, in 2019 I started thinking about getting Solar Power Energy to reduce the amount of electricity I was getting from my local Power company, as well as reduce or eliminate my electricity bill amongst other reasons. I met and interacted with a couple of Solar Power Energy agents or vendors. I met one of these Solar Reps at our local Costco Warehouse. The other Solar vendors were house calls. Here is a list of the various Solar Power company Reps I interacted with in the past

  • Sun Power
  • Sunrun
  • One government Solar Power initiative/incentive program

There are two other Solar Companies I had gotten quotations from. However, right now, I can’t recall the names of these Solar Power companies. There were aspects of how these Solar Power agents explained the different Solar Power Energy options that didn’t feel right to me. One option was to lease the Solar Panels. Another option was to buy them outright, and if I remember correctly, the third option was to be stuck in some government program that seemed very inflexible to me, at the time. I couldn’t make up my mind.

How my Indecisions became Resolved

So, from 2019 to late in 2022, I met various Solar Power company Reps. But, there was always an aspect of their presentation, what and how they were pushing their Sales Pitch that held me back. My hesitance dissipated when I met a young couple.

Meeting a Young Couple

I met a lovely couple in one of the health grocery stores in my city of residence. One thing led to another, and I found out the guy was a Solar Power agent representing Swift Energy Solar also known as SunStar Energy Inc. This gentleman, David (Fictitious name), and his partner Fiona (Fictitious name) convinced me Dave was the right person to help me transition to using Solar Power Energy. I believed this man because of the affinity I felt towards the couple during our first chance encounter. Up until today, I am not sure if my judgement was completely off, or the Solar Power salesman just simply went rogue on me. I guess, I will never know.

Solar Power

I know you are wondering what I am driving at. I’d get to that in a jiffy.

Deciding to Go for Solar Power Energy, Finally!

Because of the affinity I felt towards this couple, I seriously contemplated jumping onto the Solar Power Energy band wagon, finally. I must point out some of the factors that finally permitted me to make this decision. The factors are as follows:

  • I felt I could trust this Solar Rep. May be because I met him with his partner. I don’t really know. Or, may be more accurately, I could intuit he could be trusted.
  • Dave told me the California government was mandating some changes in the Solar Power Energy regulations. California US, was going to change the billing policy from NEM 2.0 to NEM 3.0. I know! What the heck is NEM 2 and NEM 3. I wanted to be under the NEM 2,0 plan.

NEM stands for Net Energy Metering. Ok, so I met Dave in March. And, he told me in April, the NEM 2 billing policy, which operates under a Utility Billing payment policy (rather than the metering billing policy) was going to change to the NEM 3 billing policy, which is a Net Billing policy.

What did this mean?

This meant, Solar Power Energy users under the NEM 3 plan, will be regulated by the Net Billing policy, which involves a Pre-determined Fixed Rate. Here is additional education on the Differences between NEM 2 and NEM 3. Essentially, NEM means the difference between the electricity your power supplier provides, and the amount your Solar Panels produce. People under the NEM 2 plan get Full Retail Value (i.e., 100%) for energy their Solar Panels produce. While those who are under the NEM 3 plan will be get 75%, only in retail value.

Is having Solar Power still Worthwhile in 2023, especially in California, USA?

You may ask if it is still worthwhile to have Solar Power Energy in California? I would say YES! If your electricity tariff is high, switching to Solar Power Energy might be necessary. However, I really wanted to be part of NEM 2, rather than NEM 3. So I jumped in with both legs. You know, since I met Dave and Fiona in March, and the transition from NEM 2 to NEM 3 was to be completed on the 14th of April, I was under some pressure to act quickly.

Solar Power

Here are some reasons why jumping on the Solar Power Energy band wagon even under the NEM 3 plan in California might still be worthwhile. Here are the opinions of Project Solar.

Raising the Money to Purchase Solar Power Outright

I was on a time crunch because I was to travel to Europe for Professional Training in March and the NEM 2 to NEM 3 switch was to happen on the 13th April. So guess what! I ran around and raised thousands of dollars and handed the money over to Dave. Then, I travelled abroad. My trip and training were both beautiful experiences.

No Solar Power Connectivity for Months

By the time I returned from Europe to the States, my Solar Panels were on my roof, but I didn’t have any connectivity for Months. My Solar Power Energy Rep claimed he was on a cruise in Europe. So, he was inaccessible. Meanwhile before I travelled, he assured me he will be on my case, which he explained at the time meant he would make sure my account is treated appropriately. By the time he finally came back from his cruise, he asked why I hadn’t informed him my Solar Power Energy was not working yet. I was thrown off by his question. I thought, “but you said you will take care of my account… what’s up dude? You failed me…”

My Devastation

Dave and I went in circles for a bit. Finally, he told me the truth. Brace up! Dave told me Swift Energy (aka SunStar Energy Inc) had gone BANKRUPT. Yes, you read this correctly. He claimed Swift Energy “was a $25M company and it went bankrupt overnight…” Wow!! I was in disbelief. Immediately, I got off the phone to process this devastating news. I called him back within five minutes and asked what my options were.

Dave said he could get me someone to complete the job, or he could arrange for my Solar Panels to be removed from my roof. The latter meant I would outright lose all my money. And, the former option meant, I’d have to spend a couple of more thousands of dollars to get my Solar Power all hooked up and running. What would you have done? Well, I went with the former option to contract a Solar technician to complete the job.

Solar Power

Bankruptcy of a Solar Power Company and the Shock for many Families

Many families in my region were affected by this scam and fraudsters. I was in such a shock over the bankruptcy information that I could not even be angry. Nor did I cry. Literally, I was dumbfounded. I kept thinking about how much money I had wasted – has gone down the drain. People come to America because it gives people the opportunities most other countries do not offer. Yet, here I was losing a lot of money to a fraudulent company in America. I consider myself a discerning, productive and contributing adult. Still I got duped Big Time. I couldn’t wrap myself around how someone could go from being a millionaire to becoming bankrupt Overnight. I was completely baffled. It took me a long time to narrate my ordeal to any of my family members. The bankruptcy move was premeditated. This, I was absolutely sure of!

Why we Couldn’t Take Legal Actions against Swift Energy (aka SunStar Energy Inc)

I had done my due diligence before I parted with money to purchase my Solar Power Energy. I found the owner was a young man who graduate from the University of Utah. He was a wrestler. I can’t even remember his name now. I had also gone to their physical office at Fowler, CA, and everything checked out. At the Swift Energy Fowler office, I met the company’s chief technician, or so and he was a really very nice man. He assured me he would dispatch the Enphase Inverter to be installed at my residence. It was included in my huge payment.

Through the grapevine I learned the CEO of Swift Energy (aka SunStar Energy) fired all workers at midnight on the day he declared bankruptcy. If this is true, then Shame on him. According to the same grapevine, I learned the CEO of Swift Energy (aka SunStar Energy) filed a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, which means creditors cannot file lawsuits. Shame on him again.

The Financial Loss and Its Far Reaching Implications

I lost thousands of dollars and at the time, I was not sure if I would recover from this financial blow soon, or later. Because I have a lot of financial obligations, I have been skeptical about how things will play out for me. But, I am optimistic that everything would be alright, at the end of this ordeal.

Given Substandard Solar Panels and NO Inverter

So, I paid for a particular kind of Solar Panels and Inverter and got neither. Some during the process, Dave the Solar agent told me at the last minute they ran out of the Solar Panels I had paid for, So I will be given another Brand of Solar Panels. I went to research these new Solar Panels, and it was clearly stated the alternative panels are substandard when compared to the ones I had paid for. That should have been my Red Flag. I should have disengaged from everything, but I didn’t.

New Energy

Can you beat that? I am so disappointed in Dave as well. Though he was the one who hooked me up with the Solar technician who completed the job. I must say, the job the Solar technician completed was done haphazardly. To be fair, on the one hand, the Solar technician who completed my Solar Power Energy job did my a favor. On the other, he didn’t quite do me a favor because I paid his a couple of thousands of dollars as well. But, he did not complete the job.

More Losses and More Pain

Out of 22 Solar Power Panels on my roof, only 11 are producing electricity at Full Capacity. In plain language, this means I still have an electricity bill every month despite spending thousands of dollars on purchasing Solar Power Energy. Homes that are similar to mine in size, and have a similar number of Solar Panels on their roofs are having a very different experience than me. Sad, isn’t it?

In all,

  • I have lost money on the quality of Solar Panels because substandard panels were installed.
  • Then, I did not get an Invert at all. Despite having paid for an Enphase Inverter.
  • I can’t monitor the electricity being generated by my Solar Panels, because the Solar technician after I completed his payment (I paid him twice), he stopped picking my calls. So, the software of device I paid for to monitor my usage is not working.
  • I can go on and on and on…

No Remedy Yet – In waiting Period

You see, deep down within me, I believe everything about my Solar Power Energy quagmire will be resolved. However, I do not know how, but it will. I believe people usually go through a couple of waiting periods during one’s lifetime. So, what do I do? I WAIT! I don’t know about you, but I have noticed any time I face some disappointing moments, they always turn into Blessings in the Future. So I wait to see how things unfold.

Lessons Learned

What can I say,

  • I did my due diligence. May be I should have dug deeper into the company
  • Maybe I should have asked for a refund when Dave informed me my Solar Panels were being switched on me.
  • I am thinking I should have gone with a more reputable and more established Solar Power Energy company such as Sunrun and SunPower and so forth…

If you have any thoughts about what I should have done differently, please let me know.

Solar Power

Finally, I Found an Ethical Solar Power Company

I am a member of a Savings and Benefits program that has saved me tons of money on travel tickets and entertainment tickets. This Savings and Benefits program can also save you lots of money on insurances, goods, and services. Now, my Savings and Benefits program has introduced Solar Power Energy into the Marketplace. They have only one Goal, which is to be a One-Stop-Shop so you can find the Best Deals in the Solar Industry, and to SAVE Money. Not only that, this Solar Power program is completely ETHICAL, which will allow you go to bed knowing you got the Best possible Support and Expertise once you Qualify. You may wonder what I mean by this Solar Power Energy program being Ethical. Well, in a nutshell, the program:

  • Doesn’t allow its Reps to determine the price. This means Reps can’t markup the prices of the Solar Power systems because prices are determined and regulated in-house.
  • Guarantees you’d get a fair price for your Solar Power Energy system.
  • Only works with top notch Installers to install Solar Power systems.
  • Guarantees easy Financing if your home, or office or anywhere else qualifies.
  • Promises to partner with you, which means the Process is Easy, and once you are approved and you have your system installed, Saving is Easy too.

Here is a Video on the Solar Power Energy process from my Savings and Benefits Program

To gain access to more information about our Solar Power Energy program, or if you are interested in going Solar Now, or in the Future, Fill out the form below and you will be contacted, immediately.


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To summarize, you are making the right decision for you by considering to transition to Solar Power Energy. Embracing sustainable energy will not only support the planet, but you, your family, friends and the rest of humanity.

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